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Title IX Complaint Form

Please provide as much detailed information as possible in the Title IX Complaint form below. 
If you are having trouble submitting the form below you may download a printable version of the form and email it to

Information Regarding the Complainant
Information Regarding the Alleged Victim (if he or she is not the Complainant)
Information Regarding the Respondent
Information Regarding the Alleged Misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking)
You may wish to consider including, among other things, some or all the following information in your description: the gender of the parties, the relationship between the parties, whether one or more of the parties were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the alleged Misconduct, whether the Respondent used pressure or force (physical or otherwise) in the course of the alleged Misconduct, and the frequency (if applicable) of the alleged Misconduct.
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